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OPAD’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Services is an initiative designed to provide young people with the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. The program aims to improve the knowledge and understanding of reproductive health among adolescents, reduce the occurrence of unplanned pregnancies, and eliminate the risk of sexually transmitted infections. It also seeks to equip adolescents with the skills and confidence they need to make safe and healthy choices when it comes to their reproductive health.


 The program targets adolescents aged 10 to 24 and provides a range of services including educational classes, counseling, and access to contraception. OPAD’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Services is committed to helping young people make the right choices to ensure their well-being and future success.

Ending HIV and reproductive health challenges among adolescents and young women

OPADs is dedicated to ending HIV and reproductive health challenges among adolescents and young women. Its mission is to promote gender equality, empower adolescents, and provide them with the sexual health information and services they need to make informed decisions. OPAD’s aims are to reduce HIV and other STI burdens among adolescents and young women. In addition, it aims to increase access to reproductive health services in the communities we serve.


OPAD’s primary goals are to educate young women on HIV prevention, provide testing and counseling, and ensure they have access to quality health care. OPAD’s target group encompasses adolescents and young women aged 10–24 years in both urban and rural areas. OPAD works to ensure that these women have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to make safe and informed sexual health decisions.

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