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Child Protection


The OPAD Child Protection Program protects children from injury, exploitation, abuse, and neglect by implementing prevention, identification, intervention, and advocacy strategies.

These strategies aim to reduce risk factors such as poverty, empower children to speak up and report abuse, identify and report cases of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities and OPAD, ensure safeguarding and support services for maltreated or abused children, advocate for policies and reforms that protect the rights and best interests of children, and raise awareness about topics such as sexual behaviour.

OPAD provides minors with foster care, adoption, and emergency care services. Legal frameworks and regulations safeguard children from exploitation, abuse, and neglect.


OPAD is committed to putting an end to child trafficking, which is the illicit recruitment, transportation, and exploitation of children. Child trafficking is a form of modern-day enslavement and a flagrant violation of human rights.

Millions of children around the world are vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers and are coerced into labour, sexual exploitation, child labour, street begging, or organ harvesting. To address this worldwide issue,

OPAD is collaborating with governments, civil society organizations, and communities to combat the trafficking of children. Together, we can protect vulnerable children and make a difference.

It’s essential that we take steps to protect children from harm. We should educate ourselves on the signs of abuse and neglect, know the local laws, and be alert to any situation that could put a child in danger. Let’s all work together to ensure that children everywhere can feel safe and secure.

Bullying and cyberbullying are forms of aggressive behaviour that can cause severe and long-term emotional and physical damage to those who experience it. Victims may struggle with anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, and physical health problems, as well as be more likely to engage in risky behaviours like substance abuse and self-harm. Let us be kind and show empathy to those in our lives who may suffer from bullying and cyberbullying.

OPAD works to empower victims of bullying and cyberbullying by raising awareness, providing resources, and offering support and guidance. We strive to help those affected cope with their experiences and find strength in knowing they are not alone.

Criminal exploitation involves manipulating and coercing people, often children or young people, into unlawful activities like drug dealing and theft. This can be done through intimidation, violence, or false promises of money, status, or protection. Exploited people are at risk of physical and psychological harm, as well as legal charges. To protect vulnerable people from criminal exploitation and gang activity, early intervention and support services, as well as law enforcement, are necessary. If you are concerned about criminal exploitation in your community, report it to the authorities. This is so they can provide support and advice on staying safe.

OPAD provides support and resources for criminal exploitation victims. This includes access to legal advice, counseling, and safe housing. OPAD also works to raise awareness of criminal exploitation and provides education on how to spot and prevent it. Finally, OPAD advocates for better laws and policies that protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable.

OPAD is dedicated to preventing domestic abuse, a pattern of behaviour in which one person in a relationship uses power and control to dominate the other. Domestic abuse includes physical violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and psychological abuse. Domestic abuse has serious, long-lasting effects on its victims, and it is a crime punishable by law. If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you should seek help and support. You can contact a domestic violence hotline or shelter, the police, or your healthcare provider for assistance. If you suspect someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, you can provide support and resources. You can also report your concerns to the police or social services. Together, we can work towards ending domestic abuse.

OPAD provides resources and support to domestic abuse victims, such as counseling services, legal advice, and safe shelter. OPAD also raises awareness of domestic abuse. This is so that victims know they are not alone and have the support they need to escape their abusive situation.

OPAD stands against emotional abuse, which is a form of abuse involving the use of words, actions, or behaviours to control, manipulate, intimidate, or belittle another person. It may be difficult to recognize, as it does not create physical scars, but can have serious long-term effects on mental health and well-being. Examples of emotional abuse include name-calling, insults, threats, intimidation, isolation, withholding affection, and controlling behavior. Victims may feel trapped and helpless and be hesitant to seek help or leave the relationship. If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional abuse, it is critical to seek help and support. Offer kind, non-judgmental support, provide information about resources available, and listen without judgment.

OPAD advocates for and supports emotional abuse victims. This could include providing resources and counselling services to help victims cope with trauma and develop healthier relationships. OPAD also raises awareness about emotional abuse, encouraging people to seek help and speak out against it. Finally, OPAD works to hold perpetrators of emotional abuse accountable, ensuring appropriate measures are taken and victims receive the justice they deserve.

OPAD firmly rejects FGM, a dangerous traditional practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia. It also involves other injuries to the female genital organs. This is for non-medical purposes. It is a form of gender-based violence and human rights violation that has no health benefits and can result in severe physical and psychological harm. FGM is illegal in many countries, including the United States, and should be reported to the authorities. It is critical to seek medical attention and support if you or someone you know has undergone FGM. It is also important to know the detrimental effects of the practice.

OPAD works to provide counselling and trauma-informed care to victims of female genital abuse. This includes providing emotional and practical support, advocacy, and information about legal rights and resources. OPAD works to raise awareness of the issue and advocate for policies and laws that protect victims’ rights and hold perpetrators accountable.

OPAD stands up against grooming, a practice used to exploit children or young people for sexual purposes. Grooming can take many forms, including online grooming, where an individual uses the internet or social media to communicate with a child or young person. It is critical to recognize the signs of grooming and take action if you suspect a child or young person is being groomed. Reporting your concerns to the relevant authorities and offering support and advice to the child or young person is essential. Children and young people can also be taught about grooming dangers and how to stay safe online by their parents and caregivers. It is also important to talk openly and honestly about sexuality and healthy relationships with children and young people.

OPAD works to support victims of grooming abuse, including offering counselling and legal assistance. OPAD also provides education and awareness programs to help people recognize the signs of grooming abuse. Additionally, OPAD provides resources to assist individuals and families. OPAD advocates for victims of grooming abuse and ensures their voices are heard to ensure appropriate action is taken.

OPAD works to protect children from neglect and its serious consequences. Neglect can take many forms, including physical neglect, medical neglect, emotional neglect, and educational neglect. It can occur in any family and have serious impacts on a child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. To prevent neglect, it is imperative to report any suspicions of neglect to the relevant authorities, offer support and assistance to the child and their family, and work to address the root causes of neglect, such as poverty, substance abuse, and mental health issues. By working together, we can ensure that every child is provided with the care and support they need.

OPAD works to protect neglected children and victims by providing them with the resources and support they need. OPAD also acts as an advocate for victims, working to ensure their voices are heard and their rights are respected. In addition, OPAD strives to raise awareness and create initiatives to prevent victimization and neglect.

OPAD stands against online abuse. This is any type of malicious or offensive behaviours directed at an individual or group through digital channels such as social media, messaging apps, emails, or social media forums. Examples of online abuse include cyberbullying, harassment, hate speech, and internet grooming. It is a necessity to educate individuals about appropriate online conduct and promote respectful and inclusive online communities. It is also essential to have clear laws and policies that punish online abuse and provide support and resources to victims of online abuse. Finally, reporting online abuse to the relevant authorities, such as the police or internet service providers, is an effective way to prevent further harm.
OPAD works to offer support and resources to children affected by online abuse. This could include providing access to counseling services and guidance on staying safe online. Additionally,

OPAD works to raise awareness of online abuse and provides educational campaigns to empower children to recognize and respond to abusive behaviors. Finally, OPAD also aims to strengthen existing laws and policies to ensure online abusers are held accountable for their actions.

OPAD opposes sexual abuse in all forms. It is incredibly crucial to recognize the signs of abuse and act if a child or other person is suspected of being a victim. Prevention of sexual abuse requires a community-wide effort, including educating children and young people about their rights, monitoring online activity, and promoting policies and programs that address the root causes of sexual abuse. It is also critical to have open and honest conversations with children and young people about sexuality and healthy relationships. In addition, it is critical to provide support and assistance to abuse victims.
OPAD works to provide support and resources to children who are victims of sexual abuse. This could include providing counselling and therapy, legal assistance, and ensuring a safe environment for the child. Additionally,

OPAD works to educate both adults and children about sexual abuse and how to protect against it. Lastly, OPAD will do its part to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. In addition, survivors receive the justice and healing they deserve.

The OPAD Child Protection Program protects children from injury, exploitation, abuse, and neglect by implementing prevention, identification, intervention, and advocacy strategies.

These strategies aim to reduce risk factors such as poverty, empower children to speak up and report abuse, identify and report cases of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities and OPAD, ensure safeguarding and support services for maltreated or abused children, advocate for policies and reforms that protect the rights and best interests of children, and raise awareness about topics such as sexual behaviour.

OPAD provides minors with foster care, adoption, and emergency care services. Legal frameworks and regulations safeguard children from exploitation, abuse, and neglect.

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