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The Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development (OPAD) is an international non-profit dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting development through the rule of law. OPAD works to promote the rule of law and foster effective governance in the poorest parts of the world. Our mission is to empower communities to secure their rights, protect their environment, and achieve justice through the equitable application of the law. Our aim is to ensure that everyone – regardless of income, race, gender, or religion – has access to the justice system. We work with governments, civil society, and local communities to ensure people have access to legal advice. They can get a fair trial and are able to hold their government to account. OPAD’s target groups are the most vulnerable people in poverty-stricken countries, including women and children, those living in rural areas, and those affected by natural disasters. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the justice system, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Government and Public Sector Reform

OPADs play a key role in Government and Public Sector Reform initiatives, by helping to identify areas of improvement, develop strategies to address inequalities, and provide guidance on the implementation of reforms. OPAD can also help to ensure that objectives are met in an efficient and effective manner, while working with governments and public sector stakeholders to promote greater accountability and transparency.

Empowerment and Accountability

OPAD contributes an important role in empowering and holding accountable those affected by poverty. Through its various activities and objectives, OPAD works to raise awareness, build capacity, and foster collaboration in order to bring lasting and meaningful change. By providing access to resources, creating opportunities for meaningful engagement, and offering support, OPAD works to ensure that those affected by poverty have the tools they need to become self-sufficient and empowered citizens.

Anti-Corruption and Transparency


OPAD is committed to fighting corruption and promoting transparency. OPAD works with communities and governments to ensure that all citizens have access to the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential. OPAD advocates for corruption prevention by advocating for responsible governance and accountability. OPAD works to ensure that resources are used in the most beneficial interests of the people. We strive to create an environment in which citizens can trust that their government is acting in their best interests.

Promote Applied Political Economy Analysis

OPAD helps to create politically informed and adaptive programming, incorporating principles like ‘thinking and working politically’, ‘doing development differently’, and ‘problem-driven iterative adaptation’ (PDIA). To ensure that those involved in governance programming remain adaptable, flexible, effective, and knowledgeable about political realities, OPAD develops strategies, tools, and decision-making processes, as well as research, monitoring, and learning systems. OPADs also use our technical expertise in many sectors like health, environment, food security, economic growth, education, and WASH to improve service delivery through improved governance. OPAD brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors and civil society to find solutions to service delivery issues that meet citizens’ needs.

Democratic Governance

OPAD works with partners to create an environment that promotes democratic governance and amplifies citizens’ voices. We seek to understand the formal and informal structures and dynamics that can either hinder or facilitate inclusive development, such as patronage, corruption, and collective action.


Welcome to the official OPAD website.

OPAD is dedicated to ending  global hunger and poverty

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