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OPAD’s market development, agriculture, and food security initiatives are interconnected, working together to ensure people have access to healthy food. In addition, farmers have access to profitable markets. Market development helps farmers find new markets, while agriculture initiatives help farmers improve their production. Food security initiatives guarantee access to safe, nutritious food for everyone. Together, these initiatives create a healthier and more sustainable food system.

What our organization is doing to address food security

In order to increase food security, OPADs aim to assist farmers in improving their farming practices, provide access to better quality inputs, introduce new technologies, promote climate-smart agriculture techniques, link farmers with buyers and traders, provide training on post-harvest handling and storage, promote the production and consumption of nutrient-rich foods, provide education and training on nutrition and healthy eating, support communities in preparing for and responding to natural disasters, and advocate for increased investment in agriculture, policies that support smallholder farmers and women’s economic empowerment, and reduced trade barriers that limit access to markets.

What our organization is doing to support farmers


With the aim of supporting farmers, OPADs work to improve farmers’ livelihoods by providing training and technical assistance on soil conservation, crop rotation, pest and disease management, and irrigation techniques; improving access to quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides; strengthening the capacity of farmer organizations to represent their members’ interests and engage in collective action; promoting sustainable agriculture practices; improving farmers’ access to markets; and supporting access to finance.

Our organization's efforts to improve market development

Market assessments are conducted by OPADs to identify new product and service opportunities,as well as gaps and barriers in the market. Furthermore, OPADs provide training and support to entrepreneurs and small businesses so that they can start and grow their businesses. Through the OPAD program, microfinance institutions and other financial service providers can provide access to financing. Market development and entry barriers can be reduced through OPAD trade promotion and advocacy.

Welcome to the official OPAD website.

OPAD is dedicated to ending  global hunger and poverty

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